So I hope to be putting in a new tank, after a very long brake from the hobby. I have to move a furnace, hot water tank, and electrical panel, and level part
of the floor, and the room needs to be finished, insolation, wet board, tile the floor etc... this room will also hold the washer dryer, and QT tank....
The tank is going to be built in, to be viewed from the living room.
looking for input on my design
I know the fun of working and cleaning a 36" deep tank (ive had one)
This is not a closed loop
the over flows are place where they are to have live rock built around them like 2 mountains....
I want a "reef" tank, but the 2 main occupants might eat the reef....Got my fingers crossed thats not going to happen...
Main fish Emperor & French Angelfish
other fish... Achillies & Kole yellow eye Tang , Golden Angelfish
Picasso Percula Clown fish x2 (unless my wife picks a different kind)
maybe 15-20 Pygmy Sweepers
Also a few smaller fish that have jobs, like cleaning sand etc...
This build isnt going to happen over night, just like to plain ahead and work out some bugs...
But im very excited to finally have a tank again, seems like its been forever
Also plaining on running high end LED lights
The 2" hole in the back corner is a emergency drain, if the tank ever needs to be drained 100%
the 2" holes in the back are for water changes
the 1.25 holes are all returns
thanks for any input
sorry about the pics