Friday night, after WCs and feedings, I transferred our Scooter (Chico) and Flashers (Levi and Chevy) to the DT while the lights were out
Sat when the noon lights came on everyone woke up and checked out the new guys
There were no real problems for hours, but then our Lubbock's (Asrai) started chasing the Flashers, then the Whipfin (Ginger) started in
Next thing I know, our False Perc (Goober) is going out of his way to bite the new guys. This is very unusual for Goober as he's never charged at anyone outside the realm of his LR pile
Every time they came up off the sand, now Ginger first would take a stab at them with Asrai next, and then Goober would come charging in
I had no idea how much damage Goober was doing as the Flashers kept laying on the sand. Man am I peed at myself
Within a couple hours, Chevy and Levi are beat to hell and hiding, even with me waving tools around inside the tank to keep them apart
I grabbed a Critter Keeper and, as soon as Ginger got near the surface, Bam with a net and into jail she goes
After that, Asrai calmed down and stopped chasing the Flashers, but was still 'puffing up' at them which kept them on the sand until lights out
And during this, I still had to keep Goober away. The little turd would cover nearly 3 feet of tank just to chase them
Having Ginger in jail has showed a marked improvement today
Asrai is no longer chasing them around, but only 'puffing up' whenever nearby
The flashers are off the sand and ate pellets for lunch so I'm confident they will be OK
I grabbed another keeper and now Goober is up for sale
We've always laughed when he kept everyone away from his nems, and his LR pile, but watching him target docile fish laying on the sand was enough for me
You're Outta There !!
Now the Gobies can roam around the rock all they like without being harassed and hopefully the tank will become a little more peaceful
I'll keep Ginger in jail for a couple more days while the flashers settle in and am watching Asrai for any signs of aggression. She still 'puffs up' around them but at least they are swimming and are no longer being chased
I have another keeper with Asrai's name on it if she even so much as 'flinches' at them