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Old 12-14-2013, 12:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Reef Pilot View Post
Yeah, it looks more alive in the pic. Can't see the flesh detail when looking at it in the tank on the frag rack. Just looks green. It was more blue and light colored before.

Would more or less light be good for it at this point in time? Right now, I have it near the back of the frag rack, so it is not getting too much light.
Can't comment on that with confidence but generally, corals recover better under low-moderate light with lesser than recommended flow instead of. Since it was buried inside sand, I would start it low and then move up a bit every couple of days to the regular position.

Take those with grain of salt since I am talking in terms of regular coral and have heard echinatas can be a bit tricky and they are deep water I believe?

You wouldn't want to see my tank. I don't use fancy equipment and I am a noob
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