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Old 12-11-2013, 09:30 PM
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gqlmao gqlmao is offline
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Default FS: 12x12x15 Cube 9.4 gallon

I have forsale my old cube, it is a 12x12x15" cube 3/8" normal glass (not starphire) all around and has a the top polished. I've used it about a year and recently upgraded to another tank. It needs some cleaning, I have a old dead monti cap stuck to the back of the black acrylic. Nothing vinegar and razor can't solve. The display part is a perfect cube 12x12x12, giving 2.5 inchs in the back for the filter chamber. I must warn you the chamber is quite small, I have small hands and they barely fit in there. I also have a small hydor return pump and some ghetto rigged plumbing to go with the tank. Its a great little nano tank for sure.

Here is my link to the tank when it was running:

I would like 85.00 for the tank and hydor pump.

Thanks for looking!
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