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Old 12-11-2013, 02:27 AM
ChefFish ChefFish is offline
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Red Deer
Posts: 78
ChefFish is on a distinguished road

As far as Dave goes, who else could get kicked out of a band on the way to stardom and still end up a major star with his own band. Megadeth put out some of the most influential metal albums of the 80's. I think its a true testament to his talent. As for Metallica, Dave & Cliff were the real talent, I'm sure Cliff starting rolling over in his grave in the 90's with the **** Metallica was putting out.
And how come nobody mentions Overkill??? Most underrated American Thrash Metal Band ever. Going since 1980 and still staying true to the music with both studio albums and live shows. Even through the 90's they still did what they always did weather it was mainstream or not.
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