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Old 12-08-2013, 05:28 PM
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Originally Posted by ashr View Post
I have never used GFO. I use ROWAPhos and Chemi-pure elite.
I should change up my RowaPhos tonight and do a water change.

I will test my PHOS agaon wioth my Hanna checker.

I also did buy SeaChem Phosguard but I have not used it yet.. Not really sure the amount to use or the best way to use it.

I run my Rowaphos in a TLF 150 reactor.
I can't really help there. I've only ever used GFO and Chemi-Pure elite for phos removal.

I like GFO because its cheap, easy and reliable. And as long as you don't use a ridiculously large amount, it doesn't affect your Kh

Just remember not to strip it immediately, or strip it right to 0. Studies are showing that phosphates of about .02 are providing the best SPS coloration, and anything less the corals will starve and fade.
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