Hi All!!!
Thanks for everyones helpful tips/suggestions/ideas.
In the end, I ended up borrowing a generator from a friend's friend and leave it on standby the even of the power outage day. I had my brother as the go to guy to turn the power on from the generator once the outage happens.
The power outage was scheduled for 9:30 am on wednesday and it turned out that the power never went out. I don't know what the heck happened but BC hydro sure as hell stressed the crap out of me. I'm happy that I didn't have to resort to generator power and potentially risk my equipment but nonetheless it was a pain to think about things and get that generator home and set it up in the cold!
I guess all is well that ends well.
I'm finally finding a bit of time to start posting on the forum and stuff and hoping to revive my build thread again!!