Still selling off live stock but will hold for requsts all will be available by the 15th of december at the latest.
Some of the items can be seen in pics above and I can email you images of anything else you may want to see.
25 gallon display tank with 3/8 micro beveled starfire glass on 3 sides and custom laminated opaque black glass which completely hides all the plumbing and is easy to keep free of algae and build up unlike the black plastic that is usually used to cover the back.
Coast to coast overflow with 3/4" silent bean animal drains and dual returns.
Custom black plastic cover to hide entire overflow from all sides.
Display Tank 20 3/8” deep, 24” wide, 18.5” high
Sump 18.5” deep, 20.5” wide, 17” High (1/4" glass)
Metal stand with Three removable oak panels for easy equipment access. Dimensions with tank 21 1/2’’ deep. 25 1/4’’ wide, 56’’ high
Will sell tank/sump and stand all together with plumbing and return pump Mag 5 for: $400.00 open to offers
Radion gen 1 light just over one year old: 300
Pending: Ecotech battery back up for pumps or lights: 110
AI Nano led light with controller: 250
Pending: MP10 esW: 200
Apex lite with lab grade ph probe/temp probe and 8 outlets: 290
Pending: WXM apex module: 100
Pending: Apex breakout box: 15
Bubble mangus Nac 3.5 cone skimmer: 100
BRS 2 part dosing pump 1.1 ml per min x 2: 50 each 90 for both
Aqua medic sp1500 dosing pump 1.5 L per hour (Used for ato pump): 50
Pending: JBL ato: 50
Jager heaters 100w x2: 15 each
Vertex probe holder: 10
Vertex Carbon Rox 0.8 1000ml almost full bag: 5
Pending: Ecotech super Glue almost full bottle: 5
Sybon refractometer: 30
pending: 12" and 24" forceps: 5 for 12" 10 for 24"
Pending: Sps clipers: 5
Pending: Soft coral surgical knife and extra blades: 5
25 gallon qt tank with glass lid and hang on back filter: 20
20 gallon brute rubbermaid salt mixing bucket with 50 w jager heater and mixing pump: 20
4" and 6" nets: both for 5
Bio cube mag cleaner: 5
Two little fishes nano mag cleaner x 2: 5 each
3" by 1.5" mag float cleaner: 15
4 x computer fan fish tank cooling devices for sump: 20
Test kits:
Hanna TDS meter: 10
All pending: Hanna Ca test, Alk and Pos: 25 each
Pending: Elos Mg test almost brand new: 15
Red sea ca test 1/2 used: 5
Salfert Alk test 1/2-2/3 used: 5
Chemicals food and additives:
H2O ocean salt 2/3 left of 5 gallon pail: 50
Pin point ph 10.00 and 7.00 calibration solutions 3 of each: 4 for all
Coral frenzy 56g container 1/2 left: 10
BRS Ca 2 part (1lb left):
BRS Mg sulfate 4lbs: 10
BRS Mg chloride 2/3 of 6lbs left: 15
BRS Alk (soda ash) 2 part 2/3 left of 7lbs container: 15
Tailored aquatics calcium plus 473 ml bottle 2/3 full: 5
Revive coral cleaner 250 ml left: 5
Brightwell aquatics vitamin c almost full 250 ml bottle: 5
Brightwell aquatics advance multi vitamin almost full 250ml bottle: 5
Brightwell aquatics garlic power almost full 60ml bottle: 5
Kent marine coral-vite almost full 8 oz bottle: 5
Reef builder raises carbonic alkalinity half left of 300g bottle: 2
elos omega amino acid 2/3 left of 90ml bottle: 5
new life spectrum marine fish pellets 150 g almost full: 2
ocean nutrition formula two flakes half full 34g container: 2
Make me an offer on anything