Originally Posted by gqlmao
That sounds good! I would test the top coat on a painted runner first before using it on your gundam to see if you like the finish. The dull coat changes the surface color A LOT, I've sprayed non painted gundams with dull coat and they look like they have been painted after  another benefit is that the top hides the decal edges of the stickers so it blends in more.
All this talk makes me want to get another one, oh the ich. 
Ya, that's what got me interested in the top coat, to hide the decals and to maybe top coat a couple of gundams that I hadn't painted yet. I saw a top coat of an unpainted gundam and it actually looked really good! I'll use them as guinnea pigs. I also have a bunch of starships (star trek) that I can test top coats on to see if I like it.