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Old 12-03-2013, 02:24 PM
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gqlmao gqlmao is offline
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Lol depends on how meticulous you want, air brush takes a long time. Are you going to be sanding all then nibs off as well? If so you might as well go the full mile. Organize and cut all the pieces out, sand off all the nibs and imperfections, primer all of the pieces, sand them, air brush paint them, top coat them, ink and decal them and voila you will have a gundam worthy of a magazine.

Originally Posted by kien View Post
Ya I prefer the flatter finish. Sometimes even a Matte finish depending on the part. Do you spray paint the larger pieces then? I use a cheap air brush but I'm having troubles locating it. Debating whether or not to get a new air brush or just rattle can the damn thing.
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