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Old 12-03-2013, 03:59 AM
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gqlmao gqlmao is offline
Join Date: Dec 2005
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gqlmao is on a distinguished road

I use the pen, I think inking by the brush only works once you have a top coat on since the the white will be stained by the black ink. I find to do it right you need a good top coat since the wash usually consists of rubbing diluted lacquer thinner with a q tip. Top coats usually are pretty good against diluted lacquer thinner, however there is always that chance just like paint that it could thin out and mess your paint job. Even with the pen you can stain the white painted surface, the best way is to see how the pros do it and there should be tips online on inking. Nothing drives me more nuts than having a slightly stained white piece. People use white erasers to clean the pen and it works to a degree, however for the coloured pieces don't use the eraser or it will streak your paint job. Inking is the most frustrating part for sure.

Primer is really up to you, sometimes I skip the primer all together like you said. However I do prime the skeleton pieces, it gets rid of that cheap grey shine and creates a matte finish which will match the paints, looks a lot better this way. For my gundams, I use the dull coats sold in PM hobby, its made by the guys that make those american plastic cars. Comes in a black can.

Originally Posted by kien View Post
That's nice! Do you use a pen or do you wash the panel lines? And I think you said you prime ? Typically I don't prime if I'm painting the pieces the same colour as they already are. The paint I find holds onto the plastic pretty good. If intend to paint a piece a completely different colour then I'll prime.

As for finishing, I was hoping to get started with painting tonight but wasn't able to get out to pick up any paint due to the weather. Maybe tomorrow. My goals. I usually like to paint at least a base coat on all the pieces before assembly.

Do you top coat? I've never top coated any of my gundams but I'm thinking about trying a top coat when I'm done.
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