Fuel consumption depends on a number of variables, the size of the generator & the load you put on it. You can usually get some idea of average consumption for a particular unit, but we have no idea what you are renting? Best to talk to the folks you're renting from to get that info. An average vehicle uses in the order of 10 litres/100 kms highway driving. That takes about an hour, but is a fairly large engine moving a bit of weight. Your 10 litre can might last a day, but probably a good idea to go to Can Tire & pick up a 25 litre.
On another tangent, but with some relevance, seeing as BC Hydro are cranking up the electricity rates in the coming years to the tune of 25% or so, I'm thinking the payback time for installing solar panels on your home will get to the point where it's worthwhile to invest the capital. Once you have that set up with enough batteries & inverters, you'll have a relatively clean alternative to use as a back up when the power corporation fails you or shuts you down for maintenance.
Last edited by mike31154; 11-28-2013 at 04:09 PM.