Originally Posted by Coasting
I think its Evergrow not evergreen. 
But my Evergrow lights are the bomb  I run mine about 30% or so, and I cant get stuff to stop growing.. (and im not sure if that's a good thing or not....) Awesome colour, quiet, pretty, way less power consumption then my 4bulb t5, especially since their never at 100%. And stuff just wasn't growing under those in comparison, since switching last year, I cant keep up.
Yes you're correct. I will get a staff guy to fix that. Thanks.
Im running their smaller unit over my 20g and happy with it. Just white and blue though.
As for wattage, guess it depends on what power they run at. The 2080 at full power is more wattage then a 6 bulb T-5. Which unit are you running?