Yep its for dosing ca, mg and ALK but along with it all the trace elements found in sea water without adding any sodium chloride.
Mixing is simple, add 4.5L per 1kg of water to the bucket then pour in the powder and give it a swirl. You will be left with some residual in the ALK container as it is designed to reach saturation.
Depends on your needs really, most people to be honest will opt for the stand alone doser as its the cheapest option.
Here is my dosing regime
Balling system as above
Prodibio biodigest 1 vial for up to 250 gallon every two weeks
Prodibio BioPtim 1 vial per every 50 gallon of tank water every two weeks
1 scoop mixed of TM BioActif once a week
TM pro coral A and K mixed in with the ca and ALK balling salts so it doses with the salts
TM Coral reef snow 100ml mixed with TM phyton and zooton once a day
Last edited by Aqua-Digital; 11-26-2013 at 11:30 AM.