Originally Posted by SanguinesDream
Evidence please.
And please don't get me wrong, I am NOT defending Ford. All of his illegal behaviours should be proven before a court of law and punished accordingly, that is what "consequences" mean.
But this court of public opinion that is media driven has its' own drivers too, and THAT should be exposed for what it is before being accepted as fact.
Are you stating that CEO's, employees etc are not forced out if it is deemed they have a problem with substance abuse whether at home or work???? I know for a fact this is true - most employers when confronted with someone who's personal life is interfering with work life will indeed step in. Most will offer the employee, CEO etc the opportunity to get help, some even dictate what that help looks like and can force drug/alcohol testing to substantiate claims and dictate how long said CEO/employee has to adhere to this program. If the employee/CEO makes it the employers problem again, they have every right to terminate. I KNOW as my ex was given a paid leave of absence to voluntarily attend a rehab program. He also signed an agreement that said further incidences were grounds for immediate termination. A few months later, owner of business could smell the booze on him from the night before and he was escorted off the lot, personal items sent later. By the way - he died from his addictions.
Do you not see this guy on TV, you don't even have to listen to the reporters - just watch him. Nothing he is doing is normal behavior, the guy has taken a reality break regardless of the allegations he's facing and needs to step away. OH YA, do you not think these things happen??? I have a family member who was hospitalized for 2 months last year after all the drugs and alcohol. Docs don't know if the issues came before the abuse or were a result of. Almost 2 years later and he's still not stable.
Do you have any experience with these types of issues?????? Its completely clear this guy has lost it. And for reference purposes - CHARLIE SHEEN. Exact same behavior. Rob Ford has lied repeatedly to everyone about whether he uses, until confronted with a video, oh, then let's fess up. He's lied about everything, typical of an addict and you think the staffers are making these allegations for no reason????? Typical response of someone in denial, its everyone else's issue, no way this is happening. Pretty sure if it smells like s@#$, looks like s*&^, then it probably is S#*&.
Why does this need to go to court??? The city has to prove their mayor is a crack smoking, driving drunk, whore mongerer to actually lose his job(which is a consequence btw)??? ARE YOU SERIOUS???? Cool, we'll all sit back and watch as he continues to embarrass the rest of the country with his antics!! Awesomeness!!!!