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Old 11-20-2013, 04:47 PM
denny_C denny_C is offline
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Location: calgary,ne
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Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
Well as long we're clear you're designing based on feelings and not math I'm fine with that . Just pointing out you often note width as a limiting design factor but as far as science is concerned it's simply not the case.

i know we have never seen eye to eye on glass sizes and dimensions but its been working for us so far and its not worth the risk for us or the risk to our customers , by doing it the way we do we dont have to question alot of this science or push its limits,again its what we have come to practise and so far seems like a good guideline for us and has carried us this far.

the industry is not regualted by code or anything like that so its always a companys name/insurance on the line and alot of what we do wasnt made up off the top of our head its common practises for alot of builders to ensure they dont cause anyone any damage or harm, and l;essons learned from those who have.

one blowout in the game for a miscalculation and end of the line it is for us or any builder for that matter.

at the end of the day we have our size restrictions that we stick to , while im sure it will differ from builder to builder our prices are low , quality is good and we have a great track record so i dont see the need to change the way we do things

