Originally Posted by SanguinesDream
Did you miss the "But as long as dude did not spend cashola from the public coffers or perform any public duty in an altered state, then it be none of anyones' business." part?
As for CEO, CFO, CAO, Directors, Board members, et al and allegations???? I spat my gin out on the screen of my corporate phone. Thanks for the laugh, I am still wiping away the tears.

He is right. Any CEO would be forced out. Only problem with being a publically elected mayor apparently is that he can't be forced out.
And as far as the Trudeau admitting to smoking pot. Rob Ford got his pass on smoking pot too because he came out unprovoked and admitted pot use as well.
Crack > worse than pot. People from all walks of life use pot but I can tell you that generally its only people who make poor choices use crack. People who would do things like hire a prostitute, drive under the influence, snort cocaine etc. All things Ford is alleged to do.