Originally Posted by Fesso
Actually not bang on at all....
Just for starters - under oath Ford's staffers have stated to the Toronto police that were frequently tasked with buying the mayor vodka approximately 10 times per month during work hours because Ford didn't want to be seen at the LCBO. That's tax dollars well spent.
Personal life vs Public life argument eh?
In the private sector that argument would never wash and any CEO would have been history 6 months ago when the allegations were just allegations let alone admitted truths.
Did you miss the "But as long as dude did not spend cashola from the public coffers or perform any public duty in an altered state, then it be none of anyones' business." part?
As for CEO, CFO, CAO, Directors, Board members, et al and allegations???? I spat my gin out on the screen of my corporate phone. Thanks for the laugh, I am still wiping away the tears.