Damn man, I have been following this thread on Nano-reef and Canreef. It seems like this hobby is throwing quite a bit of curve balls at you. But you got the grapes to last this long and to even willing reset the tank. Therefore more reason to give her because when something good happens it will be that much better!
I have a SRO in my tank, I found that playing with the gate really messed with the skimmer water levels. So I left mine all the way open, built a little egg crate stand to raise it so it has about 5 inches of water. I think the key to mine running was to allow the open gate to be above the water line so there isn't any back pressure running back into the exit. When I had it below the water line even the slightest, it would flood every 3-4 days, it would gradually creep up while I was at work and when I got home the skimmer would of emptied it self back into the tank.