Originally Posted by Duncans n' Dendros
Well i was totally in the dark when I started and I regret doing a few things. One was buying a freshwater tank(non drilled, with a canister filter) It works but just dont feel I have the filtration that could potentially be there. The other is, I wish I would have painted the back of my tank(my choice would be black) The last thing would be that I went custom, but there have been many changes in what kind of tank I want so maybe thats personal(I think everyone goes through stages in thos hobby). It can be very frustrating dealing with everything from ick to cyano to bubble algae to aptasia. It can also be very rewarding with the beauty of it all. Patience is key and yes get ready to open your wallet. There are ways of saving money though. Dont be cheap on lights or skimming. Keep your eye out for deals in the classifieds and kijiji. Good luck and have fun.
Yeah I have a stainless steel mirror the length of the tank. It is drilled but will prob. Go canister. And thanks a lot for your input.