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Old 11-16-2013, 03:22 PM
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Default Switch from PC to LED (Kessil) Lighting?

Any thoughts on Kessil lighting? My bulb is due to be changed and I was talking to a guy at J&L and he was suggesting I switch to 2 Kessil A150W Ocean Blue LED Pendants. They look pretty cool and look easy to manage - any thoughts or experience with them? Anything negative to expect?

My tank is a 46g bow with 50 lbs of live rock and I currently use coralife 96w 50/50 PC lights. I have a Remora skimmer. I have mushrooms and polyps and easy softies that, obviously, don't require a ton of light and 6 fish. I started my tank in 2004 and have had pretty good luck so I'm hesitant to make changes & of course - I have a healthy fear of algae. Thoughts?
65 g mixed fish with various lps, 50 lbs live rock, remora skimmer, 2 A150W sky blue Kessils
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