Thread: Greg's 75g
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Old 11-16-2013, 12:00 AM
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Thanks for the nice thoughts Sheena

Originally Posted by Reef Pilot View Post
And IIRC, you got burned in the past with not QTing. So that is why I was surprised when you took this shortcut
Thanks for the wishes and thoughts bud
Not sure who you're thinking of, but I've never added any fish to my system that weren't first put through QT, and this is the only time I've cut it to 2 weeks
My kole was in qt for 10 !
I've read that article, and many others, about hypo and understand the benefits. But thanks for the link. Maybe someone else hasn't read it yet

Sometime soon we're looking at getting some more fish, not too many more, but a couple. And some more mini gobies
I'm keeping the QT running with DT WCs and the odd bit of ghost feeding
Plus I've put sponges in the sump again just for giggles
I never know what I'll find at J&L so best to be prepared
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