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Old 11-15-2013, 08:45 PM
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And I just want to put it out there that I've done some more research in to the specific strains that are likely in a bacterial dosing product like MB7. If they are using one of the strains of prokaryotic heterotrophs that can form endospores, then I can see it being possible for the product to actually have viable culture inside it long term. So while I'm still skeptical as to whether or not adding a tincture of say 100,000 bacterial spores to an aquarium already populated with several trillion bacterial cells does much, I will concede that it is in fact possible, if the right strains are chosen and they are prepared in an appropriate manner and solution, for viable bacteria to still be present buy the time you buy it.

The same can not be said for bacterial supplements designed to speed up the cycle, as the nitrifying autotrophs responsible for that cannot form endospores and go in to suspended animation.

It would be all so much easier to look in to if any of these companies would publish which bacteria they're using, but I'm guessing it's more likely that I will win the lottery tonight.
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