I used my own kalk paste and a single peppermint shrimp, the trick with manually doing it with kalk, Joe's juice or whatever is to get the aiptasia immediately and letting the shrimp take care of the ones too small to see. Just a small drop of kalk per anemone using a small plastic syringe is all that is reguired. Trying to manually rid oneself of a plague because it was left for far too long doesn't work. I've never had an aiptasia last for more than a day or two in the past and have never seen a single one in the last three years doing it this way. I can't comment on the success of a file fish in a 5-8g tank or nudibranch's as I've never had the need for them but if you only have a few aiptasia I'm not sure about the survival of these two compared to a shrimp that will eat anything.