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Old 11-13-2013, 05:21 PM
NanoCat NanoCat is offline
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Calgary
Posts: 43
NanoCat is on a distinguished road
Default Selling all my livestock (calgary)

I am currently selling my entire custom 25 gallon with 20 gallon sump tank but I will also post the livestock here. Would like to sell as a whole but would part out.

Here are some images:



Clown fish

Tail spot blenny

A trained Mandarin Goby (Dragonet). I was able to train him to eat frozen mysis and he has been doing well for over a year now. I target feed the tank with a plastic syringe feeder daily and he is trained to recognize the feeder and always eats the small mysis pieces.

Strawberry conch

Two sexy shrimp

1 Cleaner shrimp

Two blue legged hermit

I have a fully covered rock that is about 20lbs with various ( many, many) montipora specimens and other sps corals as well as three Florida recordias and a large toadstool mushroom

Large 6-8” plate coral

Feather worm

A 3lbs rock with various zoas and palys

Large colony of bright green star polyps

Neon green trumpet coral

Let me know if you are interested in anything.
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