Originally Posted by kien
Also, I wouldn't necessarily blame cyano for the death of your fish. I would look for other causes.
no it wasnt the cyano that killed the wrasse and diamond spotted goby. the wrasse didnt do well right from the start.
my setup is 65 g display with a 40 breeder sump. sump has roughly 20 g water. im running tlf reactor with fauna marin ultraphos. im also using filter socks as of yesterday.
for flow i have a tunze 6025 and a tunze 6045. and i threw in a hydor 750 aswell last night.
im running a spectrapure 90gpd rodi, 2 days ago changed the prefilter and carbon. will change the di tonight and the membrane is 1 year old.
trying to find a handheld tds meter, or an inline one as i dont have one
thanks fo the replies. i beleive the spike was caused by summertime neglect but who knows.