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Old 11-13-2013, 09:58 AM
jason604 jason604 is offline
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Originally Posted by Vancity View Post
Is your chaeto very deep below the surface of the water? Mine used to be 10" below the surface and it didn't grow for months until it floated to the surface one day, now it grows very quickly
My chaeto either most of the time floats or is about 2-3" below water surface. It litterly did not even grow 1cm since I bought it about 5 months ago lol. Still green as ever tho. I don't really check water parimeter much buy the last time I checked nitrate it was 15 because I expoxy some stuff in tank and my slimmer went nuts and overfilled and all the nasty stuff went right back into my system. This actually happened 2x lol then I did a water change a week after yes I know that's very bad lol. But all my coral and fish etc seem happy as ever. Next week I got some new LPS and did a revive dip and forgot to rinse it off b4 I it in tank and same thing happened to skimmer. My tank is normally 0-5ppm nitrate. How can there be litterly no growth in chaeto at all in this long period of time? Is chaeto not growing a bad thing?
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