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Old 11-12-2013, 04:51 PM
FWC FWC is offline
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 160
FWC is on a distinguished road
Default That magnificent moment when...

...All of your fish (including an Orange Spotted Filefish, Dispar Anthias and Mandarin Gobies) all eat pellets with gusto, you can grow SPS corals and have them keep their color, and you are finally happy with how your reef tank is doing after almost 2 years of feeling nothing but frustration and anger over it.

For those who don't know, I picked up a fish from a certain local fish store that is so smug with their "quarantine" procedures, however that fish happened to have Velvet. My tank, which was at that point flourishing suffered great loss, everything said and done that stupid anthias cost me several hundred and losses beyond compare.

My tank sat there covered with bubble algae covering anything and thick brown scum covering the glass to thickly you couldn't see in for several months, all hope given up on it.

Happily, that time with the tank fishless allowed it to fallow, and my corals sat there, simply waiting, not growing, but not dying either.

At this point now, I've got the algae under control, have coraline growing, and am finally feeling good about my tank. The coral is growing, the fish are thriving and not sick, and all is well

I won't touch any stock from that fish store ever again though without a hefty quarantine with copper. Wrecked the hobby for me once and they won't be doing it again.
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