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Old 11-11-2013, 06:35 AM
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Originally Posted by craigwmiller View Post
I'm aware of many lesser-quality power bars/strips, but I'm looking for your long-term experience with power bars/strips that you are happy with, and would buy again! Doesn't need smarts, a switch isn't even required - reliability, and not-burning-my-house-down features are top of the list

I have 4 Digital Aquatics PC4's already, and I'm looking to plug in my lights (7 plugs) to a DA Expansion Socket (controlled by a PC4 port), and instead of getting 2 more PC4's, I think I'd rather get a high quality 7 or 8 port power bar/strip (or two x 4 port units).

Unless someone has a couple PC4's they are looking to sell for a good deal
Commercial power strips like these:

are used in big setups. Don't know about the brand but this is the type used.

You wouldn't want to see my tank. I don't use fancy equipment and I am a noob
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