11-09-2013, 08:35 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Edmonton, Ab
Posts: 23
65G + 25G sump. Quick sale Edmonton
We have a 65G tank, stand, 25G partitioned sump
1x vertex LED light
1x HOT5 3ft aquatic life unit.
1x UV sterilizer
1x zeovit unit (complete with media)
1 saltwater connection protein skimmer
I return pump to from sump to tank.
1 Koralia powerhead and
1x bucket of fluval salt.
Have multiple LPS and some SPS corals and approx 75lb of live rock.
Also, 1 large yellow tang, 1 rainfords goby, 1 yellow head jawfish, 1 Argi dwarf angel. 1 surprisingly well behaved maroon clown + his bubbletip anemone, and 1 cleaner shrimp.
Tank has been running successfully for a couple of years.
Will NOT part out, so please don't ask.
Approximate value excess of $3000
Will take $1500 cash
call 780 760 1950 to arrange viewing