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Old 11-09-2013, 07:38 PM
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Stones Stones is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Regina, Saskatchewan
Posts: 401
Stones is on a distinguished road

Well as per request, here is a FTS showing how rough a lot of the corals are looking after their 4-5 month lighting shortage. I ended up losing about a dozen of the more delicate frags I had and I'm going to have to do some serious pruning of some of the larger SPS colonies as a few of them suffered from some substantial die off.

Left side

Right side

Here are a few close ups of some of the corals. Most have lost a substantial amount of colour but the odd colony or frag looks just as good as they did prior to this summer. You'll have to try to mentally block out any valonia or aiptasia from the photos as I'm going to have to add some critters to help win the war against these pests.

Rainbow monti frag and bonsai from aquarium illusions

FAL blue dragon

Stardust PE palys and Reef Shoppe Tri-color nana

FAL purple tabler

Seacare bonsai

Tyree pink lemonade - this guy started out as a 1/8" nub I got from a good friend

FAL unknown millepora

Cali tort
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