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Old 07-30-2004, 09:48 PM
jgoldsney jgoldsney is offline
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Sherwood Park
Posts: 196
jgoldsney is on a distinguished road
Default Begining construction on stand..(Pics)

Ok here are the first pictures from the construction of the stand for my new 230 gal save the effort of hauling the stand upstairs I caried up all the pre-cut wood and constructed it on a tarp. It is going to be a 2x4 frame with a 5/8" plywood sheeting. All joints are screwed and glued....there is no way that this baby is coming appart.

Front of stand

Extra support for front opening...I wanted at least a 36" opening so that I could esay access my sump, just to be sure I beefed up the 2x4 top beam

This is an angle shot of the end of the stand.
you can see the 2 GFI circuts on the wall that I ran in for the tank when I was building. I also have a floor drain and a water line ready to go.

THe stand will have a 36" x 77" cabinet beside it to hold my fuge and a prop tank and all other goodies.

The floor of the cabinet and the stand will be connected to the drain so that if there is a leak it goes down the drain not on to the floor.

Well that's it for now....I will update as things progress

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