Originally Posted by warriorcookie
uniboob, you're close. The powerhead itself does not need the certification, submerged or not. This is because the powerhead operates at 24V which falls below the 100V requirement.
It's the Class 2 power supply (the "Wall Wart", AC/DC converter) that needs the certification.
I have yet to see anyone produce a shred of information that confirms that the certification is faked. There's alot of "I've heard" and "I know for a fact", but no-one is producing a credible source...
Ok here's a picture of the power AC/DC converter that came with my Jebao wp25 wavemaker, also on the side of the converter there is a slide switch to choose the DC voltage. Better start getting rid of all your lap-tops & monitors LOL!! I'm sure there's millions of these out there.