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Old 11-04-2013, 08:33 PM
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kien kien is offline
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Default Room 2B - Acroholics Anonymous

Hello everyone. My name is Kien/Kein/Keen/Kean/Keener, and I (may) have a problem.

I got my start about 4 years ago. At first it was just a little frag that I got off of a local reefer. I didn't think that it would amount to much since I didn't really know what I was doing. Well, that little frag started to grow, both literally and figuratively. After the first frag started to thrive I got more curious and branched out (see what I did there?). Then it was two frags, then three. Next thing I knew I was bringing home colonies. Then I discovered high end "designer corals". I was placing special orders. I was camping out in front of LFS before the doors opened and hung out at LFS at 3am while they unboxed their shipments. I don't even want to get into those cute little acro crabs at the moment..

I hit live rock bottom when I realized that I was spending more time and money on/with my acros than with my own kids. I needed an intervention. I tried to quit (twice), but after my tank recovered from the crash(es) I relapsed pretty much immediately and put high end acros back into my tank.

Thanks for listening.
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