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Old 11-04-2013, 02:37 AM
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thmh thmh is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Toronto
Posts: 758
thmh is on a distinguished road

Hey guys Bryan Kennedy on CanReef just shared his story with me which made me even more proud of what my team "MO Reefers" are doing.

I would like to say thanks to Tony and his Movember crew for taking the journey that is Movember
I was diagnosed with cancer at 25. I put off seeing doctors cause like any 25 year old guy I thought I was indestructible
Turns out that wasn't the case.
I was lucky I did seek treatment when I did because I had an extremely aggressive tumor in my large intestine making its way to my liver.
Luckily with the help of my surgeon I'm still here today. 8 years 4 months and counting
Not only is movember in place to raise funds for research but its to raise awareness in males to keep an eye on their health and if nothing else get regular check ups with your doctors guys.
I realize the dreaded "finger" check up is joked about and avoided but it could be the ten seconds of discomfort that will save your life.
Trust me and don't put off getting things checked out if you are not feeling right. If I continued to think I was tough and shrug off a pain for another month I wouldn't be typing this.

Get out their with your greasy Mo's guys!!! "

Please Help us Spread the awareness by liking our facebook and sharing this post!
TEAM "MO Reefers"