Thread: Greg's 75g
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Old 11-02-2013, 03:56 AM
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Maybe the following is the reason why my corals are stalled ...

I've been using Elos kits for the 'Big 3' since Feb 2012
I've always tried my best to keep my tests as;
Alk 7.5-8.5
Ca 4-420
Mag 1350-1450

Because J&L is moving away from Elos and going with Salifert, I bought some kits to see what's up with my water
Tonight I tested a new bucket of IO from KE
Most of the tests are good;
New Saltwater
Alk Elos 11
Alk Sa 10.9
Ca Elos 410
Ca Sa 410
Mag Elos 1400
No Sa kit for mag yet

Here's where things get screwey

I tested my DT tonight with both kits, and re-tested only to get the same results

Alk Elos 8
Alk Sa 7.3
Ca Elos 400 (ya I know it's a bit low)
Ca Sa 400

How can the Elos kit read so close to the Salifert test on my New Salt Water (>.1), yet be so far off on my DT test ?
I tested both 2 times with the same results ...

Back when I started out, I tested my procedures against the J&L staff for my Elos stuff
And when I bought the new Salifert kits I used the bottle in the KH kit to confirm I'm using the product correctly

So, looks like I need to bump up my Alk some and maybe this will help my SPS ...
After all this time, and after e-mails with Elos about how to use their product, it looks like I still have low Alk

Dammed Elos
I tested my tank last week and Elos told my 8.5, but Salifert told me 7.7

I think I'm going to trust the Salifert tests from now on as they are more incremented

I was told by some experts, when I started this hobby, to use Elos
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