Thread: Upgrade time !
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Old 10-31-2013, 01:37 PM
IanWR IanWR is offline
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Martensville, Sk
Posts: 148
IanWR is on a distinguished road

Regarding the photo of your shelf bracket light hangers. First, I think that's a great idea. Second, the brackets do not appear to be perfectly centered on your tank. It looks like they are shifted to the left. This is either a trick caused by the angle the picture was taken from, or they really are slightly off centre. I understand that if they are off it has no practical consequence as you will hang your lights from a bar which is supported by the brackets. It's just my OCD that cringes! If it doesn't bother you, Im happy for you! It means that you are free from feeling anxious if meaningless things don't line up as they are "supposed to".
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