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Old 10-30-2013, 05:04 AM
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Ross Ross is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Airdrie
Posts: 431
Ross is on a distinguished road

My fish are now 34 days old.
A fair bit has changed since my last batch of photos.
First off all except 1 of the fry have transformed into fish. For some reason 1 of them is special and not progressing like the others, yet hasn't died so he remains.
I changed tanks to a 15 gallon as my previous post indicated. This transition was smooth with zero losses!

They are only 25-50% longer than when they first hatched. They are a lot larger in girth though. Probably close to 3-4 fry tall and 3 fry across.

Their stripes are forming well.
They appear to grow in sections at a time that eventually form a singular line. The last photo illustrates this the best. They change the color of a small section and it fades in, then change the next small section until it is one.
Their Pectoral fins are all coming in black.
They look hilarious darting around and flashing them to stop.

Some have attitude and chase others around. Some just chill in one spot for a bit.

Currently I'm, well actually more accurately my wife is, feeding them powdered tetra bits a few times during the day. One of the perks of a stay at home mom is I get a full time fish sitter... (I imagine the back of my head will hurt for that one)
Anyways, the food is reddish in color and you can really see the quantity in the stomachs of the fish.
They also occasionally get crushed flake for a bit of variety.

Here are the pics...

This is the left side:

This is the right side:

9 Gallon Nano, Modular LED Lights
14 Gallon BioCube w/ Rebel LED Lights
67 Gallon Mixed Reef, Modular LED Lights

Send in the Clowns - Clown Fish Breeding
5 Gallon Fry Hatchery and 15 Gallon Clown Grow Out Tank
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