Originally Posted by asylumdown
Holy crap man! As others have said, you're concentration skills must rival that of a monk if you're going to able to get any work done at that desk!
You've made incredible progress, it's looking outstanding. Question - why don't you want other corals? That would make a sweeeeeet reef.
As for your macro question... I'm afraid that you're probably out of luck with those tangs in there. There probably aren't many in existence that they won't at least nibble. Trapped in a box with them, that would likely spell doom for most macros that you'd actually want to keep (it's always the algae you don't want that tangs won't touch).
The reason no other corals is I'm wanting angels(got 1 this week) and maybe a butterfly or two so corals are out.
As for the macros I was kinda thinking that, ill be setting up a refugium in the sump anyways