I think one thing people often overlook, is the power of consumers and the role they play in influencing the decision of corporations.
As an example, how often do people rush out and buy the cheap, made in china crap instead of something built locally? Than they wonder why North American manufacturing outsources and disappears and I don't think a lot of the social justice types really understand the cause and effect of it.
I know a person who is extraordinarily vocal about the need for higher wages for workers and the tragedy of corporate greed which outsources jobs. Yet this person shops at Wal-Mart and doesn't consider where the goods they purchase come from. When I asked why, they simply responded they were tired of paying "too much". They had no answer when asked why corporations should pay their workers more when people won't pay for North American made products.
It's easy to blame big business, but if they could make profits selling Canadian made items to Canadians, jobs wouldn't be outsourced.