Originally Posted by reefermadness
My previous employer (one of the largest private corporations in Canada) decided to restructure my position and gave me a 30% pay decrease. Is that working for my interest? Lets not get it twisted Corporations work for their won interest and that is to make money. If a side effect is improving your quality of life that is great but believe me when I say that if they could pay you less to make more profit generally they would. We can see this happening in the global economy with outsourcing. Lets not forget the corporations who are responsible for polluting our shared resources (water,air,dirt) and even putting peoples lives at risk. You dont have to look to far to see corporations responsible for the death of inocent people. The bandledash garment factory was just one instance where 1,800 died. http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/bang...blaw-1.2223499 I would say the corporation did not work in favor of those people.
Anyway we are still lucky to live in Canada (for now) and thankfully I didnt stay with my old employer and and actually found a better job. Not everyone is so lucky though as good jobs seem harder to find.
So yes if your lucky corporations can improve your life.....invest in a good one and watch your money grow. But its not so plan and simple as we can leave that statement and say that is that......there is a flip side to that coin.
I agree. Very few corporations would sacrifice their company (profit) for their employers. You don't have to look around the globe for this....happens in different degrees worldwide. As far as outsourcing and the profit thing....so many corporations and companies are doing this because they just will not compete and therefore make significantly less profit margin (living conditions considered) that they really have no other option than to go poor....
My brother works as a tool and die tradesman other the last 5 years and has seen **** go down.....then again who hasn't! What's that old saying....the rich get poorer and the poor get richer...? No, wait that can't be right....