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Old 10-25-2013, 08:05 AM
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tang daddy tang daddy is offline
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Originally Posted by PurpleMonkey View Post
In my experience with LED's (designed and built a full spectrum light for my BC29), if the corals bleach, then its too much light too fast. If they brown out, then probably want more light (or nitrates/phosphates are too high -- or a combo of the two factors).
Believe it not white do some good to the corals since it has some red and green in the light. The blues it believe have some .

The reason why cheaper led fixtures do well is because they're not as intense or strong.

What is the max you run your white and blues.

If you turn blue up too high that can bleach coral aswell....
Always looking for the next best coral...

90g starphire cube/400mhRadium20k/2 XHO/2x27w UV/2x39w T5/ 3 Trulumen led strips
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