Thread: Greg's 75g
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Old 10-24-2013, 05:00 AM
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Guys in QT are doing very well and getting along 'swimmingly'

Ya, I said it

They all have names but 1, so they better make it into the DT
No signs of diseases etc and all eat very well
Nori, NLS pellets, mysis and some fortified brine shrimp I need to use up

Thanks to Brad for posting sometime last year about putting foams in the sump to seed a QT filter
I did this last time around in May, but killed the bacteria with meds
I think the foams sat for a few months this time, and I've already put more in, just in case

I've been using Stability and an Ammo Alert, as I've always done, and never saw any NH3, even with my Elos kit
We've been checking the badge at roughly 7am, 12pm (lunch feeding), 2-3pm (after lunch), 6pm, and 10pm (2 hours after dinner feeding)
I've checked with the Elos kit every night at roughly 6pm and nothing ...
Tonight I tested 0.5 NO2 and a trace of NO3
Looking good, considering there's 7 fish (11" or so) in a 20g

I can't wait to get these guys into the DT, although I'll have to transfer them in a couple batches a week or so apart (when the time comes) and Stability for the DT for a week each batch
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