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Old 10-22-2013, 05:57 AM
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AdamsB AdamsB is offline
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Kelowna, BC
Posts: 145
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I've got the cad lights tia 1150 rated for up to 150 gallons running on my 90 gallon medium stocked (probably 100 gallon total volume with sump added and rock displacement) and I love it. They make models rated right up to 350-400 gallons. I was in the same position when I was looking. I opted for this after hearing great reviews.

Can take a bit of getting use to but now if I clean my cup and change the setting I can dial it in within seconds by looking at the bubble level. Harder to do with a dirty cup though. I'll admit that this is the only in tank skimmer I've ever had so I'm a little bias. But cost and performance are hard to beat in my eyes.
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