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Old 10-22-2013, 03:40 AM
kacairns kacairns is offline
Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 34
kacairns is on a distinguished road

Not a fabricator but a red seal carpenter. If other red seal programs are anything like the carpentry I would recommend against challenging as you miss valuable information especially stuff with trades math that having a firm grasp in year 1 helps in every year afterwards as they take that foundation and get progressively harder and harder.

Also from experience most people I have met over the years that challenge, have ended up failing the challenge and not continuing on with the training. With that said most people who are challenging are doing it because they think they are better then they usually are, not due to the long waiting list such as what you're saying. I do recall if you make calls in to BCIT (if that is where you're talking about) to see if spots open up sooner, sometimes you can bump yourself, and sometimes multiple bumps due to people being sponsored by companies and getting fired or losing interest and dropping the course. I've seen some people cut the wait time in half or more that way.
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