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Old 10-22-2013, 02:14 AM
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WarDog WarDog is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Maple Ridge, BC
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WarDog will become famous soon enough

I took 1st year Steel Fab 9 years ago at BCIT. Never continued with the program because I ended up working only as a welder. Now I do gasfitting. I remember the course mostly being about Structural drawings, welding symbols, line development and oxy/acetylene cutting. We also learnt basic welding positions, trade math and science and safety/rigging crap. If you have some experience with these things (or fabricating in general) then go get the 1st year BCIT textbook and challenge the test. I doubt the curriculum has changed much. Perhaps also talk to an instructor at BCIT (I remember them all to be pretty helpful). What's the worst that can happen?
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