Originally Posted by gregzz4
Just a thought for you before you get too much farther along ...
I originally had my fuge after my socks, but noticed my pod population dwindling, so I now run it before my socks and all is good
With that in mind, I was thinking you might want to cut in a valve off your main drain to feed the fuge
Then you have both options
Yea I was originally going to do this but then decided to feed it off the return so I got less detritus in the fuge I'll see how it plays out I can always change it around after and take other return and flow it into there right from the overflow
Current tank---125 gallon mixed reef 60 gallon sump, Reef octopus nw200 skimmer, Rapid LEDs, Maxspec gyre, Mp10s, Fuge, Biweekly 20% WC, QT everything
Last edited by Craigdillman; 10-19-2013 at 03:05 PM.
Reason: Spelling