Thread: Greg's 75g
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Old 10-19-2013, 07:51 AM
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Cyano appears to be calming down
Forgot to do a PO4 test tonight before the weekly WC. C'est la vie

Just fired up the QT, so stay tuned for some new fishies
And possibly some more tank issues, but I need more fish poop for the corals, so I'll deal with things as they occur

Currently have 5 RBTAs and am wondering if they are splitting so fast due to irritation from the porcelain nem crab ?
They are splitting at a much smaller size than they used to
I'm monitoring what is going on and thinking I may get rid of the crab

Our clown, Goober, isn't being hosted, but spends much of his day patrolling the nem area, swimming between all of the tentacles, and keeping the emerald crabs away and such
The claws come out, but the clown eventually wins through sheer persistence with his constant poking/nudging
I'm OK with him not beating up the nems by being inside them and we enjoy the show when a critter gets too close to the area
Goober (aptly named) will even shake away trying to scare off snails

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