Originally Posted by reefermadness
Again this is very confusing. If you are not concerned about anything why are you trying to change anything. Someone who is not concerned does nothing.
Well, fretting is not the same as being concerned. Of course, I am concerned. But my actions may be different than some others. Just talking about the problems won't solve them. We need to take actions and make decisions to make things better. And that includes utilizing the different knowledge/resources that we have as individuals in whatever field/career we may have chosen. We don't all have the same capabilities to help.
I believe in creating more wealth/assets for everyone to share. That helps the poor and improves everyone's quality of life, including around the world. Of course, there are wars and non democratic dictators/thugs out there that will thwart that.
That is in direct contrast to some who focus more on dividing up assets and redistributing wealth. Another way to look at it, is instead of just slicing up the pie, is create a bigger pie. If we don't grow our wealth and assets, we have less to give to the poor, and even support our own social services like health and education.
I guess that brings us back to corporations. I believe they are the most efficient and effective means to create more wealth and assets for everyone to share. Again, corporations are just a collection of people (or may be individuals) pooling their skills and resources. And competition is what makes corporations most productive. The bad ones just don't survive, unless they get some kind of protection or help from govts.
And just to be clear, I don't believe that everyone should be working for a corporation (whether large or as an individual). I do believe we also need govt services, including some research and development. And civil service is indeed an admirable career choice and profession. But there needs to be an affordable balance, that in the end supports overall growth and improved quality of life for everyone. That's what I am trying to say.