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Old 10-17-2013, 07:02 AM
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Originally Posted by reeferfulton View Post
Wait for the sale at Canadian tire. There warranty is Great. Prices are great.
Can't go wrong there..
Except they've dropped all their useful boxes
Everything they have for sale now is either too expensive, and still is a waste of proper space, or the drawers are all too tall ... wasted space

Who needs a 3, or 4, or 5 inch drawer for screw drivers/wrenches/pliers ?

Nothing Canuck Tire has had for sale for over a year is utilising storage properly for anyone who has wrenches, pliers, screwdrivers etc
Years ago, they used to have proper drawer sizes, and you could fit in them wrench sets, plier sets, screwdriver sets, etc

Somebody has missed the whole idea of a toolbox in their current lineup

Sure, having big drawers is OK for anyone in their garage, but it doesn't work for someone using it in a work setting when you need to utilize your space as best as possible

Just an example
I can't afford to have a 5" tall drawer that is full of 2" of tools when I need to move that box around the shop
So why have that drawer at all ?
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